• BTCgenit
  • Saturday, 2 November 2019

    Halo sahabat blogger kali ini saya akan mengulas sebuah proyek yang bagus untuk anda ikuti, mari kita ulas dibawah ini apa itu FreelaneX?
    Freelanex menyediakan tempat yang dapat diandalkan, menyenangkan selain ruang online yang menyenangkan.
    Freelanex adalah platform terdesentralisasi yang menyediakan lingkungan organisasi ke atas di blockchain. Ini adalah kesempatan unik untuk mencapai manfaat melalui tujuan organisasi yang terdesentralisasi di antara kontrak pintar, melalui antarmuka yang nyaman. Freelanex menghadirkan sistem transaksi yang transparan dan dapat dipercaya, di samping yang benar untuk melindungi karyawan melindungi pekerja lepas dari penipuan selain tindakan yang tidak berprinsip - untuk alasan ini, keadaan saling menguntungkan di kedua sisi.
    #Misi Freelanex
    Kami percaya dalam memberdayakan pekerja lepas dan memberikan mereka lingkungan yang andal untuk terhubung dengan peluang kerja di mana saja, di mana saja, kapan saja. Kami menyadari bahwa lingkungan untuk freelancer dan klien saat ini sangat tidak stabil, dan kami berusaha untuk menciptakan kepercayaan dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan.
    #Vision of Freelanex
    Freelanex menghadirkan jutaan pekerja lepas di seluruh dunia dengan peluang kerja melalui lingkungan kerja nyata yang dirancang untuk mendorong kolaborasi, transparansi, dan pembayaran yang aman. Freelanex memanfaatkan kekuatan blockchain dan kecerdasan buatan untuk menciptakan ruang kerja freelance online terbesar dan paling andal bagi mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mendapatkan manfaat yang sama, berkat skalabilitas platform. Kami mengantisipasi masa depan ketika freelancer di seluruh dunia akan memiliki akses tak terbatas ke pertumbuhan dan kepercayaan saat bekerja di Internet.
    Menggunakan situs web Freelanex sangat manis bagi mereka yang mencari cara frill untuk menerima uang tambahan, bagi mereka yang hanya menikmati kebebasan Freelanex, dan bagi mereka yang menginginkan pengembangan yang lebih profesional. Jutaan orang menuai manfaat dari Freelanex profesional, dan popularitas gaya hidup nomaden digital semakin meningkat. Tentu saja, Anda dapat menemukan panduan tentang cara merekam konser Freelanex yang hebat, tetapi lebih dari sekadar berlangganan platform populer. Terlepas dari apakah Anda bekerja secara lokal atau jarak jauh, semua orang di hampir semua bidang memiliki kesempatan untuk menemukan karya Freelanex. Setelah Anda membuat portofolio yang baik, ada beberapa situs web yang dapat diandalkan di mana Anda dapat menemukan pekerjaan sebagai Freelanex. Terkadang platform bahkan menyediakan semua alat
    Distribusi Freelancer
    dalam hal benua
    Asia: 11,3%
    Amerika Utara: 59,7%
    Amerika Selatan: 4.0%
    Afrika: 1,4%
    Eropa: 20,3%
    Australia: 3,3%
    Mengapa teknologi blockchain?
    Blockchain dapat menjamin transaksi yang disepakati antara freelancer dan klien mereka menggunakan kontrak pintar. Kontrak pintar digunakan untuk secara otomatis menggabungkan persyaratan kontrak, membuat keputusan - sesuai dengan aturan blockchain dan kontrak pintar - untuk semua orang di jaringan, serta untuk transaksi dalam buku besar.

    Tinjauan Pasar
    Kurangnya prinsip-prinsip umum yang lengkap
    Kurangnya kecepatan tinggi dan tidak adanya rasa tidak percaya serta kepercayaan akan
    perintah transaksi yang dapat diandalkan selain biaya tinggi untuk situs-situs independen.
    Modifikasi pemahaman antara kedua belah pihak selain pelanggaran Konvensi
    Kadang-kadang itu adalah sulit untuk menerima pembayaran dari klien selain transaksi dibatalkan.
    Tidak ada prosedur untuk memvalidasi informasi yang disertakan di kedua sisi untuk mengonfirmasi transparansi atau akurasi.
    Dibutuhkan dimensi keempat untuk mengamati perabotan dan permintaan, dan kadang-kadang, jika di tempat itu ada satu, itu tidak efisien dan tidak dapat diandalkan.
    Tidak ada kelancaran selain cara transparan kepercayaan bahwa timah memaksa keluar digunakan untuk berbuat baik kedua belah pihak.
    Situs ini menawarkan lebih dari 1,5 juta pelanggan, dan untuk setiap jenis Freelanex ada pekerjaan yang dapat Anda bayangkan dalam jangka pendek dan panjang. Pekerjaan dapat dilakukan setiap jam dan berdasarkan proyek, dan siapa pun dengan tingkat kualifikasi awal untuk seorang ahli dapat menemukan sesuatu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Karena ketersediaan pekerjaan yang sangat besar, ada kemungkinan orang akan dapat menemukan pekerjaan melalui platform ini. Ketika pekerjaan selesai, dana ditransfer dengan aman dari klien ke Freelanex.
    Pada platform ini, Freelanex dapat menemukan pekerjaan di hampir semua bidang, yang membuatnya ideal bagi siapa saja yang mencari pekerjaan tambahan. Freelanex dapat menemukan pekerjaan di lebih dari 24 negara dalam 12 bahasa yang berbeda. Apakah Anda seorang pembangun atau penjual, ada klien untuk Anda. Situs ini memiliki blog dengan tips rekrutmen, serta pencarian berdasarkan lokasi.
    Di sini Anda akan menemukan pekerja biasa di dunia Freelanex, seperti editor, programer dan penulis, tetapi ada juga pemasar Freelanex. Fitur unik dari platform ini adalah bahwa Freelanex dapat menampung 100% dari pendapatannya, tidak seperti kebanyakan platform lain di mana biaya dan tarif berbeda-beda.
    Platform ini untuk anak-anak kuliah yang mencari cara untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak uang saat mereka berada di sekolah. Siswa dan lulusan baru dapat menemukan konser paruh waktu yang menargetkan industri favorit mereka - beberapa bahkan beruntung dan mereka memiliki karier. Ada banyak jenis pekerjaan dan klien, sehingga siswa tidak perlu takut dengan kurangnya pilihan ketika mereka memilih rute kerja Freelanex.
    Menyediakan pemasaran digital dan profesional kreatif di seluruh dunia, Aquent menawarkan Freelanex kemampuan untuk bekerja jarak jauh atau di lokasi, dan Freelanex peluang untuk mencari pekerjaan berdasarkan kontrak. Ada kursus online gratis yang mengajarkan keterampilan praktis Freelanex untuk mengasah keterampilan Anda atau hanya mengasahnya. Cari berdasarkan kata kunci dan lokasi, atau lihat saja semua pekerjaan saat ini di bidang pilihan Anda.
    Solusi Sistem Disediakan
    Kemudahan penggunaan
    Melalui antarmuka pengguna yang fleksibel, cerdas, dan efisien untuk semua orang
    Kontrak Cerdas
    Melalui penggunaan kontrak pintar, jaminan tersedia untuk pengguna tanpa intervensi perantara.
    Keamanan sempurna
    Kami berusaha keras untuk memastikan keamanan semua transaksi.
    Tidak ada kendala geografis
    Tidak akan ada hambatan geografis antara pengguna yang berkomunikasi dan bekerja dari mana saja dan kapan saja.
    pelanggan Pelanggan dapat langsung menemukan layanan yang mereka butuhkan kapan saja.
    Biaya transaksi
    Ini berbeda dari platform lain dalam hal biaya transaksi tinggi, karena biaya transaksi pada platform Just (dari 8% hingga 10%)
    Dukungan berkelanjutan
    Dukungan teknologi yang berkelanjutan untuk platform melalui penggunaan mekanisme kecerdasan buatan dalam sistem.
    Menawarkan kursus gratis dan berbayar untuk menyediakan beragam pekerjaan bagi orang yang ingin melamar sebagai freelancer
    Tinjauan Transaksi dan evaluasi informasi melalui audit dan evaluasi produk untuk semua pihak.
    Solusi Sistem Disediakan
    Kemudahan penggunaan
    Melalui antarmuka pengguna yang fleksibel, cerdas, dan efisien untuk semua orang
    Kontrak Cerdas
    Melalui penggunaan kontrak pintar, jaminan tersedia untuk pengguna tanpa intervensi perantara.
    Keamanan sempurna
    Kami berusaha keras untuk memastikan keamanan semua transaksi.
    Tidak ada kendala geografis
    Tidak akan ada hambatan geografis antara pengguna yang berkomunikasi dan bekerja dari mana saja dan kapan saja.
    pelanggan Pelanggan dapat langsung menemukan layanan yang mereka butuhkan kapan saja.
    Biaya transaksi
    Ini berbeda dari platform lain dalam hal biaya transaksi tinggi, karena biaya transaksi pada platform Just (dari 8% hingga 10%)
    Dukungan berkelanjutan
    Dukungan teknologi yang berkelanjutan untuk platform melalui penggunaan mekanisme kecerdasan buatan dalam sistem.
    Menawarkan kursus gratis dan berbayar untuk menyediakan beragam pekerjaan bagi orang yang ingin melamar sebagai freelancer
    Tinjauan Transaksi dan evaluasi informasi melalui audit dan evaluasi produk untuk semua pihak.
    Penjualan token Freelanex:
    Simbol Token: FLXC
    Nama Token: Freelanex
    Jenis Token: ERC20
    Jumlah total token: FLXC
    Biaya 1 token FLXC: 0,004 USD
    Soft stamp: 1 000 000 US dollar
    Stempel keras: 10 000 dolar AS
    Mata uang yang diterima: BTC dan Daftar
    Putih ETH : Ya
    KYC (Kenali klien Anda): Ya, melalui pertukaran
    Dana Distribusi
    Peta jalan
    Untuk TIM

    Co-founder dan CFO

    Kepala Staf Teknis
    Manajer Komunikasi dan Komunitas
    Kepala Analis Bisnis
    Arsitek UX / UI
    ICO, Penasihat Strategis
    Konsultan pemasaran
    keuangan IGOR KARAVAEV
    Penasihat Pengembangan Bisnis
    Informasi Lebih Lanjut:
    Oleh: Netto

    Best Project - Freelanex sebuah paltform terdesentralisasi yang berbasis blockchainuntuk para pekerja

    Posted at  10:01  |  in  IEO  |  Read More»

    Halo sahabat blogger kali ini saya akan mengulas sebuah proyek yang bagus untuk anda ikuti, mari kita ulas dibawah ini apa itu FreelaneX?
    Freelanex menyediakan tempat yang dapat diandalkan, menyenangkan selain ruang online yang menyenangkan.
    Freelanex adalah platform terdesentralisasi yang menyediakan lingkungan organisasi ke atas di blockchain. Ini adalah kesempatan unik untuk mencapai manfaat melalui tujuan organisasi yang terdesentralisasi di antara kontrak pintar, melalui antarmuka yang nyaman. Freelanex menghadirkan sistem transaksi yang transparan dan dapat dipercaya, di samping yang benar untuk melindungi karyawan melindungi pekerja lepas dari penipuan selain tindakan yang tidak berprinsip - untuk alasan ini, keadaan saling menguntungkan di kedua sisi.
    #Misi Freelanex
    Kami percaya dalam memberdayakan pekerja lepas dan memberikan mereka lingkungan yang andal untuk terhubung dengan peluang kerja di mana saja, di mana saja, kapan saja. Kami menyadari bahwa lingkungan untuk freelancer dan klien saat ini sangat tidak stabil, dan kami berusaha untuk menciptakan kepercayaan dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang menyenangkan.
    #Vision of Freelanex
    Freelanex menghadirkan jutaan pekerja lepas di seluruh dunia dengan peluang kerja melalui lingkungan kerja nyata yang dirancang untuk mendorong kolaborasi, transparansi, dan pembayaran yang aman. Freelanex memanfaatkan kekuatan blockchain dan kecerdasan buatan untuk menciptakan ruang kerja freelance online terbesar dan paling andal bagi mereka untuk berinvestasi dan mendapatkan manfaat yang sama, berkat skalabilitas platform. Kami mengantisipasi masa depan ketika freelancer di seluruh dunia akan memiliki akses tak terbatas ke pertumbuhan dan kepercayaan saat bekerja di Internet.
    Menggunakan situs web Freelanex sangat manis bagi mereka yang mencari cara frill untuk menerima uang tambahan, bagi mereka yang hanya menikmati kebebasan Freelanex, dan bagi mereka yang menginginkan pengembangan yang lebih profesional. Jutaan orang menuai manfaat dari Freelanex profesional, dan popularitas gaya hidup nomaden digital semakin meningkat. Tentu saja, Anda dapat menemukan panduan tentang cara merekam konser Freelanex yang hebat, tetapi lebih dari sekadar berlangganan platform populer. Terlepas dari apakah Anda bekerja secara lokal atau jarak jauh, semua orang di hampir semua bidang memiliki kesempatan untuk menemukan karya Freelanex. Setelah Anda membuat portofolio yang baik, ada beberapa situs web yang dapat diandalkan di mana Anda dapat menemukan pekerjaan sebagai Freelanex. Terkadang platform bahkan menyediakan semua alat
    Distribusi Freelancer
    dalam hal benua
    Asia: 11,3%
    Amerika Utara: 59,7%
    Amerika Selatan: 4.0%
    Afrika: 1,4%
    Eropa: 20,3%
    Australia: 3,3%
    Mengapa teknologi blockchain?
    Blockchain dapat menjamin transaksi yang disepakati antara freelancer dan klien mereka menggunakan kontrak pintar. Kontrak pintar digunakan untuk secara otomatis menggabungkan persyaratan kontrak, membuat keputusan - sesuai dengan aturan blockchain dan kontrak pintar - untuk semua orang di jaringan, serta untuk transaksi dalam buku besar.

    Tinjauan Pasar
    Kurangnya prinsip-prinsip umum yang lengkap
    Kurangnya kecepatan tinggi dan tidak adanya rasa tidak percaya serta kepercayaan akan
    perintah transaksi yang dapat diandalkan selain biaya tinggi untuk situs-situs independen.
    Modifikasi pemahaman antara kedua belah pihak selain pelanggaran Konvensi
    Kadang-kadang itu adalah sulit untuk menerima pembayaran dari klien selain transaksi dibatalkan.
    Tidak ada prosedur untuk memvalidasi informasi yang disertakan di kedua sisi untuk mengonfirmasi transparansi atau akurasi.
    Dibutuhkan dimensi keempat untuk mengamati perabotan dan permintaan, dan kadang-kadang, jika di tempat itu ada satu, itu tidak efisien dan tidak dapat diandalkan.
    Tidak ada kelancaran selain cara transparan kepercayaan bahwa timah memaksa keluar digunakan untuk berbuat baik kedua belah pihak.
    Situs ini menawarkan lebih dari 1,5 juta pelanggan, dan untuk setiap jenis Freelanex ada pekerjaan yang dapat Anda bayangkan dalam jangka pendek dan panjang. Pekerjaan dapat dilakukan setiap jam dan berdasarkan proyek, dan siapa pun dengan tingkat kualifikasi awal untuk seorang ahli dapat menemukan sesuatu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. Karena ketersediaan pekerjaan yang sangat besar, ada kemungkinan orang akan dapat menemukan pekerjaan melalui platform ini. Ketika pekerjaan selesai, dana ditransfer dengan aman dari klien ke Freelanex.
    Pada platform ini, Freelanex dapat menemukan pekerjaan di hampir semua bidang, yang membuatnya ideal bagi siapa saja yang mencari pekerjaan tambahan. Freelanex dapat menemukan pekerjaan di lebih dari 24 negara dalam 12 bahasa yang berbeda. Apakah Anda seorang pembangun atau penjual, ada klien untuk Anda. Situs ini memiliki blog dengan tips rekrutmen, serta pencarian berdasarkan lokasi.
    Di sini Anda akan menemukan pekerja biasa di dunia Freelanex, seperti editor, programer dan penulis, tetapi ada juga pemasar Freelanex. Fitur unik dari platform ini adalah bahwa Freelanex dapat menampung 100% dari pendapatannya, tidak seperti kebanyakan platform lain di mana biaya dan tarif berbeda-beda.
    Platform ini untuk anak-anak kuliah yang mencari cara untuk menghasilkan lebih banyak uang saat mereka berada di sekolah. Siswa dan lulusan baru dapat menemukan konser paruh waktu yang menargetkan industri favorit mereka - beberapa bahkan beruntung dan mereka memiliki karier. Ada banyak jenis pekerjaan dan klien, sehingga siswa tidak perlu takut dengan kurangnya pilihan ketika mereka memilih rute kerja Freelanex.
    Menyediakan pemasaran digital dan profesional kreatif di seluruh dunia, Aquent menawarkan Freelanex kemampuan untuk bekerja jarak jauh atau di lokasi, dan Freelanex peluang untuk mencari pekerjaan berdasarkan kontrak. Ada kursus online gratis yang mengajarkan keterampilan praktis Freelanex untuk mengasah keterampilan Anda atau hanya mengasahnya. Cari berdasarkan kata kunci dan lokasi, atau lihat saja semua pekerjaan saat ini di bidang pilihan Anda.
    Solusi Sistem Disediakan
    Kemudahan penggunaan
    Melalui antarmuka pengguna yang fleksibel, cerdas, dan efisien untuk semua orang
    Kontrak Cerdas
    Melalui penggunaan kontrak pintar, jaminan tersedia untuk pengguna tanpa intervensi perantara.
    Keamanan sempurna
    Kami berusaha keras untuk memastikan keamanan semua transaksi.
    Tidak ada kendala geografis
    Tidak akan ada hambatan geografis antara pengguna yang berkomunikasi dan bekerja dari mana saja dan kapan saja.
    pelanggan Pelanggan dapat langsung menemukan layanan yang mereka butuhkan kapan saja.
    Biaya transaksi
    Ini berbeda dari platform lain dalam hal biaya transaksi tinggi, karena biaya transaksi pada platform Just (dari 8% hingga 10%)
    Dukungan berkelanjutan
    Dukungan teknologi yang berkelanjutan untuk platform melalui penggunaan mekanisme kecerdasan buatan dalam sistem.
    Menawarkan kursus gratis dan berbayar untuk menyediakan beragam pekerjaan bagi orang yang ingin melamar sebagai freelancer
    Tinjauan Transaksi dan evaluasi informasi melalui audit dan evaluasi produk untuk semua pihak.
    Solusi Sistem Disediakan
    Kemudahan penggunaan
    Melalui antarmuka pengguna yang fleksibel, cerdas, dan efisien untuk semua orang
    Kontrak Cerdas
    Melalui penggunaan kontrak pintar, jaminan tersedia untuk pengguna tanpa intervensi perantara.
    Keamanan sempurna
    Kami berusaha keras untuk memastikan keamanan semua transaksi.
    Tidak ada kendala geografis
    Tidak akan ada hambatan geografis antara pengguna yang berkomunikasi dan bekerja dari mana saja dan kapan saja.
    pelanggan Pelanggan dapat langsung menemukan layanan yang mereka butuhkan kapan saja.
    Biaya transaksi
    Ini berbeda dari platform lain dalam hal biaya transaksi tinggi, karena biaya transaksi pada platform Just (dari 8% hingga 10%)
    Dukungan berkelanjutan
    Dukungan teknologi yang berkelanjutan untuk platform melalui penggunaan mekanisme kecerdasan buatan dalam sistem.
    Menawarkan kursus gratis dan berbayar untuk menyediakan beragam pekerjaan bagi orang yang ingin melamar sebagai freelancer
    Tinjauan Transaksi dan evaluasi informasi melalui audit dan evaluasi produk untuk semua pihak.
    Penjualan token Freelanex:
    Simbol Token: FLXC
    Nama Token: Freelanex
    Jenis Token: ERC20
    Jumlah total token: FLXC
    Biaya 1 token FLXC: 0,004 USD
    Soft stamp: 1 000 000 US dollar
    Stempel keras: 10 000 dolar AS
    Mata uang yang diterima: BTC dan Daftar
    Putih ETH : Ya
    KYC (Kenali klien Anda): Ya, melalui pertukaran
    Dana Distribusi
    Peta jalan
    Untuk TIM

    Co-founder dan CFO

    Kepala Staf Teknis
    Manajer Komunikasi dan Komunitas
    Kepala Analis Bisnis
    Arsitek UX / UI
    ICO, Penasihat Strategis
    Konsultan pemasaran
    keuangan IGOR KARAVAEV
    Penasihat Pengembangan Bisnis
    Informasi Lebih Lanjut:
    Oleh: Netto


    Wednesday, 31 July 2019

    FinWhaleX is a crypto-fiat P2P loan platform that provides access to loans anywhere together with anytime. The FinWhaleX platform allows you lot to accept or supply loans together with is a mediator together with non a bank.

    Reliable, Fact-based Business
    Р2Р — this is peer-to-peer lending, in which the loan is provided by private investors at an agreed interest rate. Banks and MFIs are not involved in the chain, which greatly facilitates the achievement of results.
    Studies of relevant organizations speak in favor of further scaling this area:
    • A report published by Allied Market Research in March 2017 indicates that the peer-to-peer lending market will reach 460 billion USD by 2022, increasing by an average of 51.5% per year.
    • The Adroit Market Research study dated May 8, 2019 showed that the capacity of the global market for P2P lending in 2017 was estimated at 231 billion USD with a potential of threefold increase over the next 8 years (until 2025 .).

    This type of lending is gaining momentum, more and more P2P sites are emerging, the volume of transactions is growing. This suggests that investing in such a business is currently one of the most profitable and low-risk ones.

     How FinWhaleX Works  
    Gambar mungkin berisi: satu orang atau lebih
    1. You home a loan application

    When creating your loan application, the Borrower sets parameters according to his option (amount, interest, period, etc.). We recommend evaluating the parameters of other applications that induce got been placed on FinWhaleX - lenders pick out the almost profitable application for themselves. You tin terminate pick out when to secure loan applications amongst collateral. There are 2 ways available. On the 1 hand, you lot tin terminate home guaranteed loan applications that are to a greater extent than attractive to creditors. On the other hand, you lot tin terminate transfer the sum of collateral required after the creditor receives your application. When placing a loan application, you lot call for to pay a transaction fee of 0.5% of the loan sum depending on the loan period.

     2. Loan providers have your loan application

    All creditors guarantee to fulfill their obligations for applications received. After the lender receives the application, FinWhaleX volition generate a multisig address specifically where your collateral (bitcoin) volition live stored until the terminate of the loan period. Each political party alone has 1 individual primal for a multisig address. Multisignature (multisig) refers to requiring to a greater extent than than 1 Private primal to authorize Bitcoin transactions. This guarantees that no 1 tin terminate access the guarantee which alone has 1 Private key. 

    3. You render money inside the loan period

    After repaying the loan, you lot automatically render the deposit to yourself. No 1 tin terminate purpose your bitcoin until the loan is repaid - they are frozen inward a especial wallet. You cannot render a loan, if it is non profitable for you. If the bitcoin degree hasn't gone upwardly or down, together with so you lot tin terminate reject to repay the loan. In this case, the guarantee alone falls to the lender, together with your loan obligations are repaid.

    Gambar mungkin berisi: teks

    In our White Paper nosotros accept an instance hom fellowship tin purpose our platform. Let’s imagine that at that place is some X company. It collected fifty 000 ETH during the ICO smash of 2017 when ETH was almost $1250. X fellowship idea that ETH volition grow farther that’s why entirely 10% of ETH was exchanged for fiat coin piece fellowship was keeping other 90% inward ETH.

    Then 2018 began alongside bearish tendency as well as then unfortunately the value of company's ETH was falling. X fellowship faced a dilemma - to sell ETH or non to sell.
    Here nosotros are! FWX automatically matches the asking for a loan to X fellowship alongside several lenders at a 25% involvement charge per unit inward accordance alongside the request, as well as X fellowship was able to retain ownership of its ETH piece receiving an lodge to comprehend expenses. After six months X fellowship was able to behavior a circular of straight investments as well as repay the loan to creditors alongside an agreed interest. You run across what has happened? X fellowship decided to purpose the FinWhaleX P2P lending platform as well as multiplied its funds fifty-fifty alongside depression cost for ETH.


    Token Info 
    Token name: FinWhaleX 
    Symbol: FWX 
    Type: ERC20 
    Platform: Ethereum 
    Token Distribution: 
    -56% for sales 
    -17% for teams as well as advisors 
    -15% reserve 
    -12% Marketing as well as PR

    Facebook Kampanye: 15%
    Kampanye Twitter: 15
    Kampanye Blog: 20%
    Kampanye Bitcointalk: 15%
    Kampanye Penerjemahan & Moderasi: 20%
    Kampanye Youtube 10%
    Peningkatan Platform Kampanye 5%

    FinWhaleX: change the conditions of the financial market
    • Liquidity provider
    • Simplified the cryptocurrency trading process and made it more profitable for each side of the process.
    • Virtual card
    • Digital assets are connected to a virtual card in the application, they can be calculated in 40+ million terminals around the world.
    • Mobile app
    • Work with the platform is carried out via a smartphone without the need to issue paper requests.
    • We work around the world
    • The platform is not limited to one region, it is available for use in different countries.
    • Justification
    • Registered in Singapore, obey laws and monitor compliance with international standards to prevent illegal activities.
    • Ease of use
    • Currency conversion is performed within the platform, enabling borrowers and lenders to use their preferred currency.

    More info: Info lebih lanjut:
    Situs web: https://finwhalex.com
    Obrolan telegram: https://t.me/finwhalex
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinWhaleX/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinWhaleX/
     By :Netto 

    Review FinWhaleX (FWX) - P2P Crypto-Fiat Lending Platform

    Posted at  11:06  |  in  IEO  |  Read More»

    FinWhaleX is a crypto-fiat P2P loan platform that provides access to loans anywhere together with anytime. The FinWhaleX platform allows you lot to accept or supply loans together with is a mediator together with non a bank.

    Reliable, Fact-based Business
    Р2Р — this is peer-to-peer lending, in which the loan is provided by private investors at an agreed interest rate. Banks and MFIs are not involved in the chain, which greatly facilitates the achievement of results.
    Studies of relevant organizations speak in favor of further scaling this area:
    • A report published by Allied Market Research in March 2017 indicates that the peer-to-peer lending market will reach 460 billion USD by 2022, increasing by an average of 51.5% per year.
    • The Adroit Market Research study dated May 8, 2019 showed that the capacity of the global market for P2P lending in 2017 was estimated at 231 billion USD with a potential of threefold increase over the next 8 years (until 2025 .).

    This type of lending is gaining momentum, more and more P2P sites are emerging, the volume of transactions is growing. This suggests that investing in such a business is currently one of the most profitable and low-risk ones.

     How FinWhaleX Works  
    Gambar mungkin berisi: satu orang atau lebih
    1. You home a loan application

    When creating your loan application, the Borrower sets parameters according to his option (amount, interest, period, etc.). We recommend evaluating the parameters of other applications that induce got been placed on FinWhaleX - lenders pick out the almost profitable application for themselves. You tin terminate pick out when to secure loan applications amongst collateral. There are 2 ways available. On the 1 hand, you lot tin terminate home guaranteed loan applications that are to a greater extent than attractive to creditors. On the other hand, you lot tin terminate transfer the sum of collateral required after the creditor receives your application. When placing a loan application, you lot call for to pay a transaction fee of 0.5% of the loan sum depending on the loan period.

     2. Loan providers have your loan application

    All creditors guarantee to fulfill their obligations for applications received. After the lender receives the application, FinWhaleX volition generate a multisig address specifically where your collateral (bitcoin) volition live stored until the terminate of the loan period. Each political party alone has 1 individual primal for a multisig address. Multisignature (multisig) refers to requiring to a greater extent than than 1 Private primal to authorize Bitcoin transactions. This guarantees that no 1 tin terminate access the guarantee which alone has 1 Private key. 

    3. You render money inside the loan period

    After repaying the loan, you lot automatically render the deposit to yourself. No 1 tin terminate purpose your bitcoin until the loan is repaid - they are frozen inward a especial wallet. You cannot render a loan, if it is non profitable for you. If the bitcoin degree hasn't gone upwardly or down, together with so you lot tin terminate reject to repay the loan. In this case, the guarantee alone falls to the lender, together with your loan obligations are repaid.

    Gambar mungkin berisi: teks

    In our White Paper nosotros accept an instance hom fellowship tin purpose our platform. Let’s imagine that at that place is some X company. It collected fifty 000 ETH during the ICO smash of 2017 when ETH was almost $1250. X fellowship idea that ETH volition grow farther that’s why entirely 10% of ETH was exchanged for fiat coin piece fellowship was keeping other 90% inward ETH.

    Then 2018 began alongside bearish tendency as well as then unfortunately the value of company's ETH was falling. X fellowship faced a dilemma - to sell ETH or non to sell.
    Here nosotros are! FWX automatically matches the asking for a loan to X fellowship alongside several lenders at a 25% involvement charge per unit inward accordance alongside the request, as well as X fellowship was able to retain ownership of its ETH piece receiving an lodge to comprehend expenses. After six months X fellowship was able to behavior a circular of straight investments as well as repay the loan to creditors alongside an agreed interest. You run across what has happened? X fellowship decided to purpose the FinWhaleX P2P lending platform as well as multiplied its funds fifty-fifty alongside depression cost for ETH.


    Token Info 
    Token name: FinWhaleX 
    Symbol: FWX 
    Type: ERC20 
    Platform: Ethereum 
    Token Distribution: 
    -56% for sales 
    -17% for teams as well as advisors 
    -15% reserve 
    -12% Marketing as well as PR

    Facebook Kampanye: 15%
    Kampanye Twitter: 15
    Kampanye Blog: 20%
    Kampanye Bitcointalk: 15%
    Kampanye Penerjemahan & Moderasi: 20%
    Kampanye Youtube 10%
    Peningkatan Platform Kampanye 5%

    FinWhaleX: change the conditions of the financial market
    • Liquidity provider
    • Simplified the cryptocurrency trading process and made it more profitable for each side of the process.
    • Virtual card
    • Digital assets are connected to a virtual card in the application, they can be calculated in 40+ million terminals around the world.
    • Mobile app
    • Work with the platform is carried out via a smartphone without the need to issue paper requests.
    • We work around the world
    • The platform is not limited to one region, it is available for use in different countries.
    • Justification
    • Registered in Singapore, obey laws and monitor compliance with international standards to prevent illegal activities.
    • Ease of use
    • Currency conversion is performed within the platform, enabling borrowers and lenders to use their preferred currency.

    More info: Info lebih lanjut:
    Situs web: https://finwhalex.com
    Obrolan telegram: https://t.me/finwhalex
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinWhaleX/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinWhaleX/
     By :Netto 


    Monday, 29 July 2019

    Hello Everyone, give thanks you, nevertheless loyal to the Tlatah Cryptocurrency web, good this fourth dimension I volition write a review near a proficient projection for all of you, hither nosotros volition review together.

    What is F(x) Function X ?
    F(x) is a decentralized network. It is intended to live an integrated solution to serve decentralized networks. The f(x) recipe consists of a combination of: a novel blockchain algorithm, a consummate prepare of decentralized network, a decentralized communication architecture as well as a decentralized governance protocol. We believe that decentralization should live absolute, immutable as well as without a tinge of centralization. This encompasses the blueprint concepts, architecture, procedure/protocol, also equally governance structures. Ultimately, this is the f(x) implementation of a decentralized network, where non a unmarried entity tin dominate, command as well as influence the network inwards whatsoever way, shape or form. 

    What Is The Role Of Pundi X In Function X?
    In the electric stream setting of a centralized network, Pundi X’s office tin dismiss live seen equally the architect, the initiator or the leader of this proposed f(x) solution. However f(x) volition eventually act towards a completely decentralized path. This way one time the f(x) ecosystem is firmly inwards place, at that topographic point volition live a gradual “fade-out” of Pundi X inwards damage of its electric stream leadership office inwards the f(x) network. The vision is to take the f(x) network sustainable, growing in addition to evolving fifty-fifty without Pundi X. That’s the beauty of a fully decentralized globe powered past f(x).

    2009-2018 The Initial Stage Of Blockchain
    Over the by 10 years, the emergence of Bitcoin together with other blockchain technologies take paved novel ways, transforming the previously centralized mechanisms together with monetary systems into a novel organization where all participants tin sack take equal rights. And equally to a greater extent than participants bring together the novel system, the to a greater extent than stable it becomes. This results inwards a currency issuance, circulation, together with ownership that are fair, robust, together with anonymous; something that does non be inwards the centralized ecosystem. And the benefits of this novel organization via blockchain engineering has provided the inspiration to the squad behind Function X.

    The Birth Of Function X
    In 2017, the Pundi X squad began investigating the underlying factors preventing in addition to inhibiting the successful offline circulation of cryptocurrency inward the society. Since then, at that place has been a growing want to completely overhaul the organisation to go 100% decentralized. We are proud to order that nosotros accept achieved that inward the class of Function X, f(x).

    Function X is a next-generation network service framework. We accept created a completely novel ecosystem of service framework past improving the existing network in addition to blockchain architecture, combining the benefits of both worlds in addition to using the virtually normally used technical solutions. We accept employed a systematic approach towards software/hardware codesign, to allow all existing applications, websites, information in addition to services to live completely decentralized, helping to position a firm foundation for hereafter evolution paths of the side past side generation internet.
    2019: The Dawn Of A New Era
    Although this has been a huge undertaking, the f(x) squad has made a lot of progress inwards price of hardware, operating system, basic services, blockchain populace chain optimizations. These were exemplified past a serial of populace demonstrations showing the progress of f(x) products. 2019 volition live the dawn of a novel era; decentralization of the Internet.

    Function X : What Does It Solve
    F(x) Aims to disrupt together with intermission away from institutional centralization together with monopoly, yesteryear edifice a blockchain network service on the cyberspace amongst all the useful features together with experiences of the cyberspace products today. F(x) enabels swift migration of businesses onto F(x)'s blockchain service network, together with allows each developer to take absolute command over their ain data, hence effectively removing barriers betwixt 2 businesses. With information monopolization removed, F(x) too cultivates a feel of competitiveness inwards enhancing user experince together with improved efficiency, instead of fostering the dependency of yesteryear successes (having an border inwards information monopoly) to fend off fresh competitors.

    Setting The Stage For The Next 10 Years
    The social media platforms nosotros role are fully decentralized, i.e. nosotros hold ownership too custody of our ain data. No system tin take a direct influence on how nosotros role our ain data. For instance, nosotros tin role a decentralized nutrient delivery app (DApp A) to gild nutrient from a eating house that advertises on some other decentralized app (DApp B). This is possible because the information too orders are intrinsically recorded on the populace chain, rather than on whatsoever detail DApp. As information is beingness fetched from the FXTP when accessing a spider web page, no ane entity tin exert potency over what tin or cannot endure seen. This way, developers tin straight compete amongst whatsoever big enterprises or line of work concern entities, which may afterwards atomic number 82 to the smaller too to a greater extent than efficient businesses inwards the future. Also, big enterprises volition evolve, modify too may non endure every bit dominant inwards this decentralized environment. And mesh giants may endure a matter of the past.

    F(x) Coin
    The f(x) ecosystem is fully decentralized. It’s designed in addition to built to function autonomously inwards perpetuity without the reliance or supervision of whatever private or organization. To back upwards this autonomous structure, f(x) Coin which is the underlying ‘currency’ inside the f(x) ecosystem has to live decentralized inwards damage of its distribution, allocation, control, circulation in addition to the style it’s existence generated.

    Broadly, in that location are iv principal participants inwards the f(x) ecosystem, every bit shown above:

    • Consumer: Users savour the decentralized service provided past the f(x) ecosystem
    • Infrastructure Service Provider: Providing infrastructure service similar the ones provided past mobile carrier, Amazon AWS just inwards a decentralized way.

    • Developer: Building DApp upon f(x) network similar Uber, AirBnb, Alibaba.
    • Financial Service Provider: Providing liquidity of f(x) money similar NASDAQ, Morgan Stanley.

    Infrastructure service provider, Developer too Financial service provider contribute the seamless performance too service shall generate the positive circulation, excogitation too value catamenia to the f(x) ecosystem.

    Services rendered inwards the ecosystem volition live transacted amongst the f(x) Coin. Possible scenarios include:

    • For service providers: To go paid past developers, companies together with consumers for providing storage nodes, DDocker together with speeding upwards of network connections. The function of service providers volition described inwards other sections.
    • For consumers: To pay service fees for using DApps, nodes, network resources, storage solutions together with other services inside the f(x) ecosystem.
    • For developers: To pay for services together with resources rendered inwards the ecosystem such every bit smart contract creation, file storage (paid to IPFS service provider), code hosting (paid to DDocker service provider), advertisements (paid to other developers) together with others. To go paid past the enterprises or organizations which need the developer’s service.
    • For enterprises or organizations: To pay for service fees, developer fees together with advertisements. Services provided to consumers volition live charged together with denominated inwards f(x) Coin.
    • For telephone together with hardware manufacturers: To pay for the Function X Operating System customization. Note: nosotros design to solely construct a few thousands of the XPhone flagship handsets together with go out the residue to third-party manufacturers to construct to a greater extent than using our operating system.
    • For fiscal institutions: to have payment for fiscal services rendered for the ecosystem.
    • Many to a greater extent than futurity scenarios.

    Hence f(x) Coin tin sack live used every bit ‘currency’ for the below services,

    • In-app purchases
    • Blockchain calls
    • Smart contract creations
    • Transaction fees
    • Advertisements

    Token allocation
    We believe non bad blockchain projects endeavour to equitably residual the interests of dissimilar segments of the community. We promise to motivate holders past allocating a full of 65% of tokens from the Token Generation Event (TGE). Another 20% is existence used for the Ecosystem Genesis Fund for developer partnerships, exchanges as well as others. The remaining 15% volition get to engineering, production evolution as well as marketing. There volition live no world or individual sales for f(x) tokens.

    NPXS / NPXSXEM is used to brand crypto payments equally slow equally buying bottled water, piece f(x) is used for the performance of a decentralized ecosystem as well as blockchain, consisting of DApps as well as other services. NPXS / NPXSXEM volition perish on to accept the same functionality as well as purpose equally it is afterward the migration to Function X blockchain inwards the future. Therefore, each token volition live expected to assume dissimilar fundamental roles as well as grant dissimilar rights to the holders.
    For more information :

    Hello Everyone, give thanks you, nevertheless loyal to the Tlatah Cryptocurrency web, good this fourth dimension I volition write a review near a proficient projection for all of you, hither nosotros volition review together.

    What is F(x) Function X ?
    F(x) is a decentralized network. It is intended to live an integrated solution to serve decentralized networks. The f(x) recipe consists of a combination of: a novel blockchain algorithm, a consummate prepare of decentralized network, a decentralized communication architecture as well as a decentralized governance protocol. We believe that decentralization should live absolute, immutable as well as without a tinge of centralization. This encompasses the blueprint concepts, architecture, procedure/protocol, also equally governance structures. Ultimately, this is the f(x) implementation of a decentralized network, where non a unmarried entity tin dominate, command as well as influence the network inwards whatsoever way, shape or form. 

    What Is The Role Of Pundi X In Function X?
    In the electric stream setting of a centralized network, Pundi X’s office tin dismiss live seen equally the architect, the initiator or the leader of this proposed f(x) solution. However f(x) volition eventually act towards a completely decentralized path. This way one time the f(x) ecosystem is firmly inwards place, at that topographic point volition live a gradual “fade-out” of Pundi X inwards damage of its electric stream leadership office inwards the f(x) network. The vision is to take the f(x) network sustainable, growing in addition to evolving fifty-fifty without Pundi X. That’s the beauty of a fully decentralized globe powered past f(x).

    2009-2018 The Initial Stage Of Blockchain
    Over the by 10 years, the emergence of Bitcoin together with other blockchain technologies take paved novel ways, transforming the previously centralized mechanisms together with monetary systems into a novel organization where all participants tin sack take equal rights. And equally to a greater extent than participants bring together the novel system, the to a greater extent than stable it becomes. This results inwards a currency issuance, circulation, together with ownership that are fair, robust, together with anonymous; something that does non be inwards the centralized ecosystem. And the benefits of this novel organization via blockchain engineering has provided the inspiration to the squad behind Function X.

    The Birth Of Function X
    In 2017, the Pundi X squad began investigating the underlying factors preventing in addition to inhibiting the successful offline circulation of cryptocurrency inward the society. Since then, at that place has been a growing want to completely overhaul the organisation to go 100% decentralized. We are proud to order that nosotros accept achieved that inward the class of Function X, f(x).

    Function X is a next-generation network service framework. We accept created a completely novel ecosystem of service framework past improving the existing network in addition to blockchain architecture, combining the benefits of both worlds in addition to using the virtually normally used technical solutions. We accept employed a systematic approach towards software/hardware codesign, to allow all existing applications, websites, information in addition to services to live completely decentralized, helping to position a firm foundation for hereafter evolution paths of the side past side generation internet.
    2019: The Dawn Of A New Era
    Although this has been a huge undertaking, the f(x) squad has made a lot of progress inwards price of hardware, operating system, basic services, blockchain populace chain optimizations. These were exemplified past a serial of populace demonstrations showing the progress of f(x) products. 2019 volition live the dawn of a novel era; decentralization of the Internet.

    Function X : What Does It Solve
    F(x) Aims to disrupt together with intermission away from institutional centralization together with monopoly, yesteryear edifice a blockchain network service on the cyberspace amongst all the useful features together with experiences of the cyberspace products today. F(x) enabels swift migration of businesses onto F(x)'s blockchain service network, together with allows each developer to take absolute command over their ain data, hence effectively removing barriers betwixt 2 businesses. With information monopolization removed, F(x) too cultivates a feel of competitiveness inwards enhancing user experince together with improved efficiency, instead of fostering the dependency of yesteryear successes (having an border inwards information monopoly) to fend off fresh competitors.

    Setting The Stage For The Next 10 Years
    The social media platforms nosotros role are fully decentralized, i.e. nosotros hold ownership too custody of our ain data. No system tin take a direct influence on how nosotros role our ain data. For instance, nosotros tin role a decentralized nutrient delivery app (DApp A) to gild nutrient from a eating house that advertises on some other decentralized app (DApp B). This is possible because the information too orders are intrinsically recorded on the populace chain, rather than on whatsoever detail DApp. As information is beingness fetched from the FXTP when accessing a spider web page, no ane entity tin exert potency over what tin or cannot endure seen. This way, developers tin straight compete amongst whatsoever big enterprises or line of work concern entities, which may afterwards atomic number 82 to the smaller too to a greater extent than efficient businesses inwards the future. Also, big enterprises volition evolve, modify too may non endure every bit dominant inwards this decentralized environment. And mesh giants may endure a matter of the past.

    F(x) Coin
    The f(x) ecosystem is fully decentralized. It’s designed in addition to built to function autonomously inwards perpetuity without the reliance or supervision of whatever private or organization. To back upwards this autonomous structure, f(x) Coin which is the underlying ‘currency’ inside the f(x) ecosystem has to live decentralized inwards damage of its distribution, allocation, control, circulation in addition to the style it’s existence generated.

    Broadly, in that location are iv principal participants inwards the f(x) ecosystem, every bit shown above:

    • Consumer: Users savour the decentralized service provided past the f(x) ecosystem
    • Infrastructure Service Provider: Providing infrastructure service similar the ones provided past mobile carrier, Amazon AWS just inwards a decentralized way.

    • Developer: Building DApp upon f(x) network similar Uber, AirBnb, Alibaba.
    • Financial Service Provider: Providing liquidity of f(x) money similar NASDAQ, Morgan Stanley.

    Infrastructure service provider, Developer too Financial service provider contribute the seamless performance too service shall generate the positive circulation, excogitation too value catamenia to the f(x) ecosystem.

    Services rendered inwards the ecosystem volition live transacted amongst the f(x) Coin. Possible scenarios include:

    • For service providers: To go paid past developers, companies together with consumers for providing storage nodes, DDocker together with speeding upwards of network connections. The function of service providers volition described inwards other sections.
    • For consumers: To pay service fees for using DApps, nodes, network resources, storage solutions together with other services inside the f(x) ecosystem.
    • For developers: To pay for services together with resources rendered inwards the ecosystem such every bit smart contract creation, file storage (paid to IPFS service provider), code hosting (paid to DDocker service provider), advertisements (paid to other developers) together with others. To go paid past the enterprises or organizations which need the developer’s service.
    • For enterprises or organizations: To pay for service fees, developer fees together with advertisements. Services provided to consumers volition live charged together with denominated inwards f(x) Coin.
    • For telephone together with hardware manufacturers: To pay for the Function X Operating System customization. Note: nosotros design to solely construct a few thousands of the XPhone flagship handsets together with go out the residue to third-party manufacturers to construct to a greater extent than using our operating system.
    • For fiscal institutions: to have payment for fiscal services rendered for the ecosystem.
    • Many to a greater extent than futurity scenarios.

    Hence f(x) Coin tin sack live used every bit ‘currency’ for the below services,

    • In-app purchases
    • Blockchain calls
    • Smart contract creations
    • Transaction fees
    • Advertisements

    Token allocation
    We believe non bad blockchain projects endeavour to equitably residual the interests of dissimilar segments of the community. We promise to motivate holders past allocating a full of 65% of tokens from the Token Generation Event (TGE). Another 20% is existence used for the Ecosystem Genesis Fund for developer partnerships, exchanges as well as others. The remaining 15% volition get to engineering, production evolution as well as marketing. There volition live no world or individual sales for f(x) tokens.

    NPXS / NPXSXEM is used to brand crypto payments equally slow equally buying bottled water, piece f(x) is used for the performance of a decentralized ecosystem as well as blockchain, consisting of DApps as well as other services. NPXS / NPXSXEM volition perish on to accept the same functionality as well as purpose equally it is afterward the migration to Function X blockchain inwards the future. Therefore, each token volition live expected to assume dissimilar fundamental roles as well as grant dissimilar rights to the holders.
    For more information :

    By :Netto 
    XWALLET : blackngopi@gmail.com

    Review F(x) Function X "Blockchain Internet" - Platform Decentralized Network Live an Integrated To Serve

    Posted at  10:04  |  in  IEO  |  Read More»

    Hello Everyone, give thanks you, nevertheless loyal to the Tlatah Cryptocurrency web, good this fourth dimension I volition write a review near a proficient projection for all of you, hither nosotros volition review together.

    What is F(x) Function X ?
    F(x) is a decentralized network. It is intended to live an integrated solution to serve decentralized networks. The f(x) recipe consists of a combination of: a novel blockchain algorithm, a consummate prepare of decentralized network, a decentralized communication architecture as well as a decentralized governance protocol. We believe that decentralization should live absolute, immutable as well as without a tinge of centralization. This encompasses the blueprint concepts, architecture, procedure/protocol, also equally governance structures. Ultimately, this is the f(x) implementation of a decentralized network, where non a unmarried entity tin dominate, command as well as influence the network inwards whatsoever way, shape or form. 

    What Is The Role Of Pundi X In Function X?
    In the electric stream setting of a centralized network, Pundi X’s office tin dismiss live seen equally the architect, the initiator or the leader of this proposed f(x) solution. However f(x) volition eventually act towards a completely decentralized path. This way one time the f(x) ecosystem is firmly inwards place, at that topographic point volition live a gradual “fade-out” of Pundi X inwards damage of its electric stream leadership office inwards the f(x) network. The vision is to take the f(x) network sustainable, growing in addition to evolving fifty-fifty without Pundi X. That’s the beauty of a fully decentralized globe powered past f(x).

    2009-2018 The Initial Stage Of Blockchain
    Over the by 10 years, the emergence of Bitcoin together with other blockchain technologies take paved novel ways, transforming the previously centralized mechanisms together with monetary systems into a novel organization where all participants tin sack take equal rights. And equally to a greater extent than participants bring together the novel system, the to a greater extent than stable it becomes. This results inwards a currency issuance, circulation, together with ownership that are fair, robust, together with anonymous; something that does non be inwards the centralized ecosystem. And the benefits of this novel organization via blockchain engineering has provided the inspiration to the squad behind Function X.

    The Birth Of Function X
    In 2017, the Pundi X squad began investigating the underlying factors preventing in addition to inhibiting the successful offline circulation of cryptocurrency inward the society. Since then, at that place has been a growing want to completely overhaul the organisation to go 100% decentralized. We are proud to order that nosotros accept achieved that inward the class of Function X, f(x).

    Function X is a next-generation network service framework. We accept created a completely novel ecosystem of service framework past improving the existing network in addition to blockchain architecture, combining the benefits of both worlds in addition to using the virtually normally used technical solutions. We accept employed a systematic approach towards software/hardware codesign, to allow all existing applications, websites, information in addition to services to live completely decentralized, helping to position a firm foundation for hereafter evolution paths of the side past side generation internet.
    2019: The Dawn Of A New Era
    Although this has been a huge undertaking, the f(x) squad has made a lot of progress inwards price of hardware, operating system, basic services, blockchain populace chain optimizations. These were exemplified past a serial of populace demonstrations showing the progress of f(x) products. 2019 volition live the dawn of a novel era; decentralization of the Internet.

    Function X : What Does It Solve
    F(x) Aims to disrupt together with intermission away from institutional centralization together with monopoly, yesteryear edifice a blockchain network service on the cyberspace amongst all the useful features together with experiences of the cyberspace products today. F(x) enabels swift migration of businesses onto F(x)'s blockchain service network, together with allows each developer to take absolute command over their ain data, hence effectively removing barriers betwixt 2 businesses. With information monopolization removed, F(x) too cultivates a feel of competitiveness inwards enhancing user experince together with improved efficiency, instead of fostering the dependency of yesteryear successes (having an border inwards information monopoly) to fend off fresh competitors.

    Setting The Stage For The Next 10 Years
    The social media platforms nosotros role are fully decentralized, i.e. nosotros hold ownership too custody of our ain data. No system tin take a direct influence on how nosotros role our ain data. For instance, nosotros tin role a decentralized nutrient delivery app (DApp A) to gild nutrient from a eating house that advertises on some other decentralized app (DApp B). This is possible because the information too orders are intrinsically recorded on the populace chain, rather than on whatsoever detail DApp. As information is beingness fetched from the FXTP when accessing a spider web page, no ane entity tin exert potency over what tin or cannot endure seen. This way, developers tin straight compete amongst whatsoever big enterprises or line of work concern entities, which may afterwards atomic number 82 to the smaller too to a greater extent than efficient businesses inwards the future. Also, big enterprises volition evolve, modify too may non endure every bit dominant inwards this decentralized environment. And mesh giants may endure a matter of the past.

    F(x) Coin
    The f(x) ecosystem is fully decentralized. It’s designed in addition to built to function autonomously inwards perpetuity without the reliance or supervision of whatever private or organization. To back upwards this autonomous structure, f(x) Coin which is the underlying ‘currency’ inside the f(x) ecosystem has to live decentralized inwards damage of its distribution, allocation, control, circulation in addition to the style it’s existence generated.

    Broadly, in that location are iv principal participants inwards the f(x) ecosystem, every bit shown above:

    • Consumer: Users savour the decentralized service provided past the f(x) ecosystem
    • Infrastructure Service Provider: Providing infrastructure service similar the ones provided past mobile carrier, Amazon AWS just inwards a decentralized way.

    • Developer: Building DApp upon f(x) network similar Uber, AirBnb, Alibaba.
    • Financial Service Provider: Providing liquidity of f(x) money similar NASDAQ, Morgan Stanley.

    Infrastructure service provider, Developer too Financial service provider contribute the seamless performance too service shall generate the positive circulation, excogitation too value catamenia to the f(x) ecosystem.

    Services rendered inwards the ecosystem volition live transacted amongst the f(x) Coin. Possible scenarios include:

    • For service providers: To go paid past developers, companies together with consumers for providing storage nodes, DDocker together with speeding upwards of network connections. The function of service providers volition described inwards other sections.
    • For consumers: To pay service fees for using DApps, nodes, network resources, storage solutions together with other services inside the f(x) ecosystem.
    • For developers: To pay for services together with resources rendered inwards the ecosystem such every bit smart contract creation, file storage (paid to IPFS service provider), code hosting (paid to DDocker service provider), advertisements (paid to other developers) together with others. To go paid past the enterprises or organizations which need the developer’s service.
    • For enterprises or organizations: To pay for service fees, developer fees together with advertisements. Services provided to consumers volition live charged together with denominated inwards f(x) Coin.
    • For telephone together with hardware manufacturers: To pay for the Function X Operating System customization. Note: nosotros design to solely construct a few thousands of the XPhone flagship handsets together with go out the residue to third-party manufacturers to construct to a greater extent than using our operating system.
    • For fiscal institutions: to have payment for fiscal services rendered for the ecosystem.
    • Many to a greater extent than futurity scenarios.

    Hence f(x) Coin tin sack live used every bit ‘currency’ for the below services,

    • In-app purchases
    • Blockchain calls
    • Smart contract creations
    • Transaction fees
    • Advertisements

    Token allocation
    We believe non bad blockchain projects endeavour to equitably residual the interests of dissimilar segments of the community. We promise to motivate holders past allocating a full of 65% of tokens from the Token Generation Event (TGE). Another 20% is existence used for the Ecosystem Genesis Fund for developer partnerships, exchanges as well as others. The remaining 15% volition get to engineering, production evolution as well as marketing. There volition live no world or individual sales for f(x) tokens.

    NPXS / NPXSXEM is used to brand crypto payments equally slow equally buying bottled water, piece f(x) is used for the performance of a decentralized ecosystem as well as blockchain, consisting of DApps as well as other services. NPXS / NPXSXEM volition perish on to accept the same functionality as well as purpose equally it is afterward the migration to Function X blockchain inwards the future. Therefore, each token volition live expected to assume dissimilar fundamental roles as well as grant dissimilar rights to the holders.
    For more information :

    Hello Everyone, give thanks you, nevertheless loyal to the Tlatah Cryptocurrency web, good this fourth dimension I volition write a review near a proficient projection for all of you, hither nosotros volition review together.

    What is F(x) Function X ?
    F(x) is a decentralized network. It is intended to live an integrated solution to serve decentralized networks. The f(x) recipe consists of a combination of: a novel blockchain algorithm, a consummate prepare of decentralized network, a decentralized communication architecture as well as a decentralized governance protocol. We believe that decentralization should live absolute, immutable as well as without a tinge of centralization. This encompasses the blueprint concepts, architecture, procedure/protocol, also equally governance structures. Ultimately, this is the f(x) implementation of a decentralized network, where non a unmarried entity tin dominate, command as well as influence the network inwards whatsoever way, shape or form. 

    What Is The Role Of Pundi X In Function X?
    In the electric stream setting of a centralized network, Pundi X’s office tin dismiss live seen equally the architect, the initiator or the leader of this proposed f(x) solution. However f(x) volition eventually act towards a completely decentralized path. This way one time the f(x) ecosystem is firmly inwards place, at that topographic point volition live a gradual “fade-out” of Pundi X inwards damage of its electric stream leadership office inwards the f(x) network. The vision is to take the f(x) network sustainable, growing in addition to evolving fifty-fifty without Pundi X. That’s the beauty of a fully decentralized globe powered past f(x).

    2009-2018 The Initial Stage Of Blockchain
    Over the by 10 years, the emergence of Bitcoin together with other blockchain technologies take paved novel ways, transforming the previously centralized mechanisms together with monetary systems into a novel organization where all participants tin sack take equal rights. And equally to a greater extent than participants bring together the novel system, the to a greater extent than stable it becomes. This results inwards a currency issuance, circulation, together with ownership that are fair, robust, together with anonymous; something that does non be inwards the centralized ecosystem. And the benefits of this novel organization via blockchain engineering has provided the inspiration to the squad behind Function X.

    The Birth Of Function X
    In 2017, the Pundi X squad began investigating the underlying factors preventing in addition to inhibiting the successful offline circulation of cryptocurrency inward the society. Since then, at that place has been a growing want to completely overhaul the organisation to go 100% decentralized. We are proud to order that nosotros accept achieved that inward the class of Function X, f(x).

    Function X is a next-generation network service framework. We accept created a completely novel ecosystem of service framework past improving the existing network in addition to blockchain architecture, combining the benefits of both worlds in addition to using the virtually normally used technical solutions. We accept employed a systematic approach towards software/hardware codesign, to allow all existing applications, websites, information in addition to services to live completely decentralized, helping to position a firm foundation for hereafter evolution paths of the side past side generation internet.
    2019: The Dawn Of A New Era
    Although this has been a huge undertaking, the f(x) squad has made a lot of progress inwards price of hardware, operating system, basic services, blockchain populace chain optimizations. These were exemplified past a serial of populace demonstrations showing the progress of f(x) products. 2019 volition live the dawn of a novel era; decentralization of the Internet.

    Function X : What Does It Solve
    F(x) Aims to disrupt together with intermission away from institutional centralization together with monopoly, yesteryear edifice a blockchain network service on the cyberspace amongst all the useful features together with experiences of the cyberspace products today. F(x) enabels swift migration of businesses onto F(x)'s blockchain service network, together with allows each developer to take absolute command over their ain data, hence effectively removing barriers betwixt 2 businesses. With information monopolization removed, F(x) too cultivates a feel of competitiveness inwards enhancing user experince together with improved efficiency, instead of fostering the dependency of yesteryear successes (having an border inwards information monopoly) to fend off fresh competitors.

    Setting The Stage For The Next 10 Years
    The social media platforms nosotros role are fully decentralized, i.e. nosotros hold ownership too custody of our ain data. No system tin take a direct influence on how nosotros role our ain data. For instance, nosotros tin role a decentralized nutrient delivery app (DApp A) to gild nutrient from a eating house that advertises on some other decentralized app (DApp B). This is possible because the information too orders are intrinsically recorded on the populace chain, rather than on whatsoever detail DApp. As information is beingness fetched from the FXTP when accessing a spider web page, no ane entity tin exert potency over what tin or cannot endure seen. This way, developers tin straight compete amongst whatsoever big enterprises or line of work concern entities, which may afterwards atomic number 82 to the smaller too to a greater extent than efficient businesses inwards the future. Also, big enterprises volition evolve, modify too may non endure every bit dominant inwards this decentralized environment. And mesh giants may endure a matter of the past.

    F(x) Coin
    The f(x) ecosystem is fully decentralized. It’s designed in addition to built to function autonomously inwards perpetuity without the reliance or supervision of whatever private or organization. To back upwards this autonomous structure, f(x) Coin which is the underlying ‘currency’ inside the f(x) ecosystem has to live decentralized inwards damage of its distribution, allocation, control, circulation in addition to the style it’s existence generated.

    Broadly, in that location are iv principal participants inwards the f(x) ecosystem, every bit shown above:

    • Consumer: Users savour the decentralized service provided past the f(x) ecosystem
    • Infrastructure Service Provider: Providing infrastructure service similar the ones provided past mobile carrier, Amazon AWS just inwards a decentralized way.

    • Developer: Building DApp upon f(x) network similar Uber, AirBnb, Alibaba.
    • Financial Service Provider: Providing liquidity of f(x) money similar NASDAQ, Morgan Stanley.

    Infrastructure service provider, Developer too Financial service provider contribute the seamless performance too service shall generate the positive circulation, excogitation too value catamenia to the f(x) ecosystem.

    Services rendered inwards the ecosystem volition live transacted amongst the f(x) Coin. Possible scenarios include:

    • For service providers: To go paid past developers, companies together with consumers for providing storage nodes, DDocker together with speeding upwards of network connections. The function of service providers volition described inwards other sections.
    • For consumers: To pay service fees for using DApps, nodes, network resources, storage solutions together with other services inside the f(x) ecosystem.
    • For developers: To pay for services together with resources rendered inwards the ecosystem such every bit smart contract creation, file storage (paid to IPFS service provider), code hosting (paid to DDocker service provider), advertisements (paid to other developers) together with others. To go paid past the enterprises or organizations which need the developer’s service.
    • For enterprises or organizations: To pay for service fees, developer fees together with advertisements. Services provided to consumers volition live charged together with denominated inwards f(x) Coin.
    • For telephone together with hardware manufacturers: To pay for the Function X Operating System customization. Note: nosotros design to solely construct a few thousands of the XPhone flagship handsets together with go out the residue to third-party manufacturers to construct to a greater extent than using our operating system.
    • For fiscal institutions: to have payment for fiscal services rendered for the ecosystem.
    • Many to a greater extent than futurity scenarios.

    Hence f(x) Coin tin sack live used every bit ‘currency’ for the below services,

    • In-app purchases
    • Blockchain calls
    • Smart contract creations
    • Transaction fees
    • Advertisements

    Token allocation
    We believe non bad blockchain projects endeavour to equitably residual the interests of dissimilar segments of the community. We promise to motivate holders past allocating a full of 65% of tokens from the Token Generation Event (TGE). Another 20% is existence used for the Ecosystem Genesis Fund for developer partnerships, exchanges as well as others. The remaining 15% volition get to engineering, production evolution as well as marketing. There volition live no world or individual sales for f(x) tokens.

    NPXS / NPXSXEM is used to brand crypto payments equally slow equally buying bottled water, piece f(x) is used for the performance of a decentralized ecosystem as well as blockchain, consisting of DApps as well as other services. NPXS / NPXSXEM volition perish on to accept the same functionality as well as purpose equally it is afterward the migration to Function X blockchain inwards the future. Therefore, each token volition live expected to assume dissimilar fundamental roles as well as grant dissimilar rights to the holders.
    For more information :

    By :Netto 
    XWALLET : blackngopi@gmail.com


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